"Bo Bo" Bollenberg
five years or so ago Dutch label SI was one of
the most important prog labels around, focusing a
lot on what we now call "neo-prog."
More and more bands got signed to the label and
after signing a deal with Roadrunner, SI suddenly
went bankrupt, leaving behind a lot of talented
bands such as For Absent Friends (their lead
singer once auditioned for Kayak), Timelock,
November and Ywis. Some of those members can now
be heard on the Dreamcarnation project inspired
by the works of writer Clive Barker. Extra
musicians from bands such as The Last Detail,
Miss Treated, Big Deal and MaChina have
been added to complete the picture. The initial
idea came from Julian Driessen, Rob de Vries and
Rob Rehorst, who have "used" a wide
selection of prog icons in order to deliver a
fabulous new concept album. The most important
person throughout this album certainly has to be
singer Jolanda de Vries whose voice gets very
close to that of a young Jerney Kaagman (Earth
& Fire), bringing back those vintage
seventies vibes. The best example of this has to
be the opening track Fugue which has
Jolandas voice incorporated in between a
wall of keyboards and rough guitar chords. There
are some wonderful synths at the end of
Awaken backed by powerful drumming
from ex-For Absent Friend man Ed Wernke. Jolandas
voice sounds like that of an angel in
Broken Dreams when shes joined
by Chantal de Vries (her sister, I think).
Theres also some ace jazzy piano to be
noted here. Salesman sounds more like
AOR due to the voice of Ruud Stoker and the
guitars of Martin Hendriks and Hans van der
Klugt. A similar feel is repeated throughout
Xenophobia." By adding a grunt voice
and church organ, The Pact becomes an
eery experience, whilst the inclusion of brass
makes me think of Rick Wakemans English
Rock Ensemble during the No Earthly Connection
period. A treat is Nowhere City where
we hear Jolandas voice backed by acoustic
guitar before the song suddenly changes
completely. Another fab track is
Orchard which sports wonderful guitar
playing a bit in the Wishbone Ash tradition,
whilst the backing slightly reminds me of Pink
Floyd. The inclusion of muted trumpet in
Between The Blind together with the
rather funky approach make this song a maverick
for the prog community yet it works rather well
because of the clean production.
track Dreamcarnation is rather
bombastic what with hard guitar chords being
joined by lush keyboards in order to deliver one
of the outstanding songs on this album. The title
Funeral already was a giveaway but
once church organ introduces this song the
obvious pastoral feeling creeps in. Sadly
its once again Ruud Stoker who joins
Jolanda on vocals and his voice doesnt
really suit this "sacred" song because
of the unnerving amount of vibrato in his voice
which gets close to Marc Almond! Another
intriguing song certainly has to be
Miracle not in the least because of
the clever inclusion of a musical box, but also
because of the dreamy layers of keyboards and the
fab drumming. The album closes with An
Ending sung by the hoarse Karel Messemaker
and sporting some nice violin which emerges out
of the synthesized strings. Analogue hand in hand
with the digital age so to speak.
certainly is the perfect calling card to
introduce the current progscene from the The
Hague area to a wider audience. Now all we can
expect is that new bands/projects will emerge out
of these ashes.
Jolanda de
Vries - vocals
Ruud Stoker - vocals
Chantal de Vries - vocals
Karel Messemaker - vocals
Ed Wernke - drums
Julian Driessen - keyboards, musical box
Marco de Zeeuw - guitars
Martin Hendriks - bass, guitars
Bert de Bruijne - bass
Mike Boekhout - drums
Bert Van Oorschot - bass
Hans Van Der Klugt - guitar
Harald O - drums
Marcel vd Bosch - drums
Matthijs Sepers - trumpet
Arnold Jones - percussion
Jurriaan Callenbach - bass
Rob Rehorst - keyboards
Ingrid Wigman - violin